Amidst flocks of native birds, nesting and calling, with a beer in hand and the faithful Jack Russell, Nipper, alongside, we spent a beautiful spring afternoon fishing, BBQing and bird-watching with wonderful guests, the Heywood family! The whole family gave fishing a go, first in the river after the elusive brown trout, then at the dam after Rainbow Trout!

A relaxing BBQ in the dappled she-oak shade beforehand set the scene for a great afternoon of outdoors and adventure! We cooked sausages, bushfire baked potatoes and boiled the billy.
The late afternoon bird-watching expedition was topped off when we saw 3 platypus simultaneously pop up in the one waterhole along a quiet stretch of the Oaky – what a rare sight!
All in all, a great 4 day stay with the Heywoods! Looking forward to having you stay again soon.
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